Cosmos offers a series of Interactive Life Skills Workshops for individuals living with barriers. Cosmos’ Workshops focus on personal development and skill-building aimed at empowering self-advocacy, independence and self-confidence.
AB Employment Standards
Anxiety: Workshop participants learn what anxiety is, what the types of anxiety are, causes, treatments, complicating factors and preventative factors and much more information.
Abuse Situations: Workshop participants learn about the different types of abuse, how to recognize when they are being abused and strategies to deal with abuse.
Assertiveness Training: Workshop participants are taught strategies concerning how to be assertive and they are provided with an opportunity to practice their newly acquired skills.
Behaviour at the Workplace
Best Ways to Support Someone with Depression
Borrowing and Lending Money
Boundaries: This workshop includes information about what boundaries are and how to observe personal boundaries. It includes strategies and an opportunity to practice boundary setting.
Budgeting: Workshop participants have the opportunity to practice completing a mock budget; and money-saving strategies are covered throughout the workshop. Workshop participants are provided with a spending diary and a blank budget to track their spending habits, expenses and disposable income. Workshop participants have the opportunity to book individual workshop sessions to complete a budget based on his/her actual expenses.
Building Resumés
Bullying: Workshop participants learn what bullying is, who is involved in bullying, the types of bullies, what the consequences of bullying are, what causes bullying and how to effectively approach bullying.
Bus Training
Career Planning
Cashier Training
Certificates of Achievement
Challenge to Change: Discover how acceptance to change and becoming change ready can lead to enhanced satisfaction in your work and personal life and help you begin to move forward: Recognize the drivers behind change. Recognize reasons for resistance to change and how to build readiness for change.
Children, Challenges and Choices
*Choices and Decision Making: Workshop participants gain skills and knowledge concerning how choices are made, what/who influences choices, positive/negative choices and informed choices. Participants learn the differences between decisions and problems and how to be assertive when making decisions.
*Communication: Workshop participants explore verbal and nonverbal communication and how to be an active communicator. Practice scenarios are presented to help participants develop their skills.
Computer Basics
*Conflict Resolution: Workshop participants learn what conflict resolution is and the different ways individuals deal with conflict. Participants are given steps to deal with conflict to achieve a positive outcome and an opportunity to practice their new skills.
Coping with Grief and Loss: Workshop participants learn about: what grief is, myths/facts about grief, stages of grief, symptoms of grief, coping with grief, complicated grief and when to get professional help when grieving.
Coping with Teasing
Date Smart 1 The Art of Saying No
Dating Abuse
Dating Relationships: Workshop participants learn about: dating-relationships, love versus infatuation and mature love. Furthermore, participants learn about dating (types, first date suggestions, being safe, online dating and long-term dating), healthy relationships and rights.
Dealing with a Break Up
*Dealing with Criticism: Workshop participants gain awareness about what criticism is and who is subject to it. Participants explore the positive and negative outcomes of criticism and how to respond to criticism constructively.
Dealing with Toxic People
*Dressing for Success: Workshop participants learn how to distinguish between appropriate work/volunteer and leisure clothing.
Employer Expectations
Feeling Stuck
*Financial Literacy: Discover power budgeting and develop assets: Track spending & keep more $$$ in your pocket. Resist temptations and negative spending habits.
Friendship Relationships: Workshop participants learn about the differences between an acquaintance and a friend; and how to turn an acquaintance into a friend. Participants discuss boundaries regarding acquaintances. Participants also discuss the qualities of a good friend and how to be a good friend.
Frustration/Anger Management: Workshop participants gain insight into their own responses to anger/frustration and learn strategies to effectively cope with anger/frustration.
Good and Bad Touch
Grocery Shopping on a Budget
*Grooming and Hygiene: This workshop provides participants with the knowledge and skills in all areas of grooming and hygiene.
*Health, Wellness and Nutrition: Workshop participants are provided with information about how to live a healthy and balanced life.
Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships
*Help I Live on a Budget and Need Work Clothes: This workshop focuses on places in Red Deer where an individual can purchase work clothes on a twenty-dollar budget.
How to be on Time
How to Retain Employment
*Keeping Safe: This workshop teaches strategies to individuals to help keep themselves safe at home, in the community and on the internet.
Moving Day
Pedestrian Safety
Personal Space
Presentation Skills
Relaxation Techniques
Resume and Cover Letter, Resume Building & Development
*Roommates: This workshop includes information concerning the responsibility of being a roommate, common/shared areas and supplies, and how to effectively communicate with roommates.
Retention Strategies for Mature Workers
Self-Esteem and Confidence: This workshop includes information that can help workshop participants examine their current level of self-esteem and confidence. This workshop also includes information and resources concerning how individuals can develop healthy self-esteem and confidence.
Socialization: This workshop provides participants with information regarding successfully participating in Western Canadian society – what societal norms are and what community members expect regarding appropriate behavior when in the community.
Stages of Change
Starting a Small Business
Storm Chasing
Stress Management: This workshop includes information concerning what stress is and where it comes from. It includes how human bodies and minds react to stress and helps workshop participants to identify how they reacts to stress. Short- and long-term strategies are presented to help participants reduce stress.
Suicide Prevention
Times Tables
*Transferable Skills: An interactive workshop that helps you identify your transferable assets & skills: Learn what strengths & assets you have to offer employers. Brainstorm alternative occupational choices.
Transgender Transition Planning
Travelling Abroad
Work Place and Personal Development
Work Search